Calendar Contest 2022 Entries
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Calendar Entry links will expire when the next contest begins (October 2022).
Top Vote Getter – Onnalee (1st Place)
Onnalee is the most amazing dog. We love her SO much!
January 2022
Top Vote Getters – JoJo and Preston (4th Place)
JoJo and Preston
JoJo is a sweet crazy fun girl. When she feels comfortable to be herself. JoJo loves hanging out with her buddy Preston. Preston has come a long way from when we first fostered him. He is a big lovebug!
Chloe (WK Assurance)
Chloe (WK Assurance) is a silly girl and always makes us laugh! She was our first foster and we ultimately couldn’t give her up! She loves to roach and is great at playing fetch. Her favorite toys are her cuddlepillar, her donkeypillar, and her sloth! She always has to have a toy in her mouth when she trots through the house. She’s such a character and we love her so much!
Philly is the sweetest 9 year old pup you’ll ever meet. He was adopted from WAG in 2016. We’ve moved to Michigan now but still think about CT all the time. He’s so friendly with other dogs, loves people and his favorite thing to do is sniff pee-mail. Give him his favorite snack – greenies – and he’s all yours!!
Ikia is a sweet girl who loves walks more than anything! Afterwards she curls up on the couch for a snooze until she hears you grab the leash again.
Angie has three legs, it doesn’t stop her from getting around but sometimes she needs help getting unstuck from the couch.
Ahva came to WAG as Java. We have had her over 3 years. She is on the small side, and has the best temperament imaginable. She adores all people! Darling, darling, darling doggie!
February 2022
Top Vote Getters – Nebula & Lola (9th Place)
Nebula & Lola
Nebula is a super friendly almost 3 year old who wants to be on top of you at all times. Lola is a perfect pup citizen at 9 who Nebby looks up to and learns from.
Angie & Scarlet
Angie doing her best to take advantage of the last sun spot of the day left on the couch.
Simon & Chance
Simon & Chance are young greyhounds that never raced but you couldn’t tell by the way the tear around the yard. These two could not be more different from one another but we love each of them for their own quirks. Simon is a dignified alien and Chance is our little diva. They are pictured here snuggling after a long day of snacks, naps, laps around the backyard, and snacks (they asked we include that twice 😉).
Kuku (PJ Skirt Skirt) and Mama Carole (JJ’s Carole King)
Mama Carole was our very first greyhound, our gateway grey, and our heart dog. She was the absolute best, and there will never be another quite like her!
We were able to adopt one of Carole’s babies, Kuku, and even though they only had a month together in retirement before we lost Carole, it was so heartwarming to have reunited them. We miss her dearly, but Carole’s memory lives on in so many ways, especially in Kuku, who has many similar traits to her amazing mama!
Party & Jasper
Have you ever seen a more gorgeous couple? Jasper and Party celebrating their “wedding”!
Bonnie & Kramer
Look at Bonnie and Kramer on their wedding day! How precious!
March 2022
Top Vote Getters – Gus (2nd Place) and Foxy (10th Place)
Gus is our third greyhound from WAG! At 4 years old, he is a retired racer living his best life. Gus loves chasing the neighborhood squirrels, squeaking his toy possum, and walks. We love his white whiskers, overbite, and salt & pepper fur. Most days you can find him snoozing, surrounded by his toys.
Foxy came to us when she was 1.5, she’s now 8. She is quirky, funny, and cuddly when she wants to be. Her ears are crazy, they go every which way you can imagine, and they’re so expressive. She has been losing her eyesight for a couple of years but that doesn’t stop her from being the silly goose that she is. She loves to eat and take walks more than anything. We love her so much.
Sarah is a sassy and independent 2 year old. She loves belly rubs, taunting the one cat that doesn’t like her, pre-rinsing the dishes in the dishwasher, and chasing her stuffed animals and deflated soccer balls. Her main dislike is getting her nails cut. She really knows how to hold a grudge, and refused to go out for a walk for 3 weeks after we last took her to get her nails trimmed (during which she screamed like a wounded animal for the entire time). She enjoys being alpha dog in the house and putting us all in our places.
Chloe (WK Assurance)
Chloe (WK Assurance) is such a funny dog! She was our first foster and we ultimately couldn’t give her up! She loves to roach and is great at playing fetch. Her favorite toys are her cuddlepillar, her donkeypillar, and her sloth! She always has to have a toy in her mouth when she trots through the house. She’s such a character and we love her so much!
Bravy Wavy (Kiowa WildBraves)
Bravy Wavy (Kiowa WildBraves) is our flower child. She’s the proud mama of 21 who is super sweet and just gorgeous.
Wuff Man
Goofer Wüf is our heart throb hunk of a man. He had an overnight during his retirement transport and found his way back home to us.
April 2022
Top Vote Getters – Mak (7th Place)
Mak is a sweet boy who loves blankets and bananas! If he’s not roaching, he is most likely squeaking his pickle toy or demanding more rubs.
Atticus Fetch (CTW Sir Wyndham)
As a pup on the breeders farm, Atticus suffered a severe hock& leg fracture as a wee landshark. He received excellent vet care but his leg healed with a deformity that prevented him from ever racing. He became a favorite of his breeder but they eventually had to close down their farm. They called AGAC looking for an extra special home where he would be extra spoiled and the director Jenn Boswell thought of us. We were thrilled to adopt him since we have experience with shattered hock hounds and heard what a character he was.
We named him Atticus because he jumped up and kissed me right on the lips the first moment he met me. He was my devoted Velcro Boy and companion as I have been strictly isolated at home during COVID while I await a kidney transplant. He was the cuddliest, sweetest dog I have ever met and he never let his tall, lanky 87 lb size stop him from being my lap dog. He managed to get along fine but was much slower racing laps in the yard than his senior AA grade racer big brother Augie but most hounds would be against Augie. He was our diligent Cheese Tax Collection Agent Extraordinaire! He could hear the rattle of the cheese drawer a mile away no matter how quiet we were.
His favorite foods were steak, salmon, salad, cheese, mandarin oranges and peanut butter filled pretzels. He once found out what the inside of 2 Slumber Ball beds were made of and used them like a kiddie pool diving in and hiding. I never knew a hound so big could completely disappear inside a ripped open bed! I looked all over the house calling him but no Attie. I then called out I was getting a COOKIE and out pops his goofy face! He loved spending time at the lake with his family enjoying the sunset except for the time he was scared near to death by a very brazen raccoon who tried to steal an unattended cheese &cracker tray.
He excelled at learning commands including sitting like non extra special dogs, shake, kiss and Boop which was touching noses to me instead of his sloppy kisses which were greyt in the right moments. He never met a stranger and adored children and babies. He had so much love to share but so little time.
He was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in October at the age of 7. Just 16 days later he crossed the bridge to be with his big sister Ava and brother Augie on Nov 2, 2020. We are absolutely bereft without him and are houndless for the first time in 21 years. Atticus wouldn’t want us to be sad or a hound to wait for a forever home. We will open our hearts and home once again and shower our love retired racer.
I am profoundly thankful for every day I had with Atticus and would love to see his beautiful soul celebrated with all the wonderful greyhounds that bring so much joy, happiness and love into our lives.
May 2022
Top Vote Getters – Kuku and Tater Tot (8th Place)
Kuku and Tater Tot
Kuku (PJ Skirt Skirt) and Tater Tot
Kuku retired to us at 4.5, and she joined us mid-December 2020. She is the daughter of our late Mama Carole, and she brings us so much joy knowing a piece of Carole is still here with us. Kuku is just like her mom in many ways; she is sweet and loves her humans, is a bed and couch hog, and is serious with just the right amount of silliness! Kuku joined our family at the perfect time, and we are so grateful for her!
Tater Tot was our first legitimate foster fail (although technically Kuku was the first, we intended on adopting her!). Tater was labeled a spook, and we fostered him for a month working to build his confidence. He was adopted by a family, and after a whirlwind of a week, Tater came back to us as a foster and we decided we couldn’t let him go again. Officially adopted August 2021, Tater Tot has come so far since we first picked him up off the hauler. He is a silly boy who is constantly opening up more and surprising us. He is still nervous in new situations, but he has been such a good sport adventuring to new places and events as he builds his confidence more and more. Tater Tot, our brave wild man, is such a good boy and we love him and Kuku so much!
Mak is a sweet boy who loves blankets and bananas! If he’s not roaching, he is most likely squeaking his pickle toy or demanding more rubs.
Meemer Weems
Weems is our gorgeous brindle girl. She is a mama of 9 and still mother hens the Link Litter. She likes to preform tricks without prompt when she sees anyone enjoying something she wants a bite of!
Look at this gorgeous girl, Party! So pretty in pink!
Cody just turned 12. He is the sweetest, most chill dog unless you dont live in our house. He loves sleeping, eating and being petted and going for walks. He never knew love before we adopted him and it took him a while to figure out how good love is, but now he thoroughly enjoys all the love he gets.
June 2022
Top Vote Getters – Scout (13th Place)
This is Scout! She is a 3-year-old greyhound who is loving her peanut butter!
Arthur has been with his hoomans for almost 5 years. He will be 8 years young soon. He absolutely loves people and all food. He puts up with his kitty brother Lancelot and he just loves to be lazy.
Ike & Gardenia
Ike (RWC Eisenhower) & Gardenia (RWC Gardenia) are both senior at the ages of 13 and 12 and a half but that doesn’t stop them from being wonderful ambassadogs at lots of WAG’s meet and greet events! Both have been retired for 8 years and spend their days sleeping on the couch, enjoying their time outside in the backyard, and being the best dogs anyone could ever ask for!
Simon (PJ Snow Angel)
Simon (PJ Snow Angel) is a 2 year older greyhound who was terrified of everything and everyone. When we met him, he wouldn’t let us touch him but we decided to take a chance on him. And it was the best decision we ever made. He is stoic but goofy, loves to run but is the king of naps, has the best chatter of any hound we’ve ever met and is very photogenic. He is adored and has turned into an absolute love bug.
Crazy Callie the Landshark
Crazy Callie is part Landshark and part kangaroo. She is always in a weird sleeping position and ready to fetch all of her squeaky balls.
July 2022
Top Vote Getters – Emporia (5th Place)
Emporia is a sweet and loving girl. She loves humans, tolerates other greyhounds, but isn’t the biggest fan of other dogs. We foster failed Emporia 6 years ago after she retired from racing. Emporia spends most of her time on the couch with her sister JoJo!
Günther filled a big hole in my heart when I lost my Cannonball. He is so cute with his lop-sided nose and overbite. He loves everyone and loves to run circles around me in the yard. He loves to cuddle and spread his toys all over the floor!
Hamilton is 3 and was born blind. He loves romping in the backyard brook with his retriever sister!
August 2022
Top Vote Getters – Ike (RWC Eisenhower), Chloe (WK Assurance), and Gardenia (RWC Gardenia) (12th Place)
Ike, Chloe, and Gardenia
Ike (RWC Eisenhower), Chloe (WK Assurance), and Gardenia (RWC Gardenia)
Pile of pups! While they don’t always snuggle up to each other, when they do, our hearts melt! This trio has been together for 7 years and gets along incredibly well. We love them to bits!
Unicorn Fee
Unicorn Fee is our sweet special needs girl. She is a therapy doggo with a huge heart and endless kisses to give to help heal everyone she meets.
Satchel thinks bow ties are cool. 🦄
Pistol is 2 years old. He is a bit shy until he gets to know you. Loves playing with his toys and buddies at the dog park. Pistol is a love bug and he loves getting petted. He especially loves laying with his cuddlepillar.
September 2022
Top Vote Getters – Boo-Boo (6th Place) and Ellie Mae (14th Place)
Boo-Boo was the sweetest greyhound that I ever met. I lost her last year to osteo and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her. I know she’s running pain free at the rainbow bridge with all of her brothers and sisters. Love and miss you Boo-Boo! This picture was taken on her favorite beach in Cape Cod. She loved the beach!!!
Ellie Mae
Ellie Mae was raised along side both her Greyhound and her Retriever brothers and sisters. She is now a bit of both herself. She lives a very unique an exciting life of long naps and outdoor adventure, overly dramatic outbursts and rough and tumble play, roaching and… well roaching. Even with only three legs, she can beat them all in a race around the yard. She is a special and overly spoiled girl (and knows it!
Mad Millie Vanillie
Millie is part Landshark part Dalmatian. She is ultra-affectionate and loves to love bite your chin! She circle zooms and destroys toys.
ReDD will forever be our sunbathing love bug.
October 2022
Arthur has been with his hoomans for almost 5 years. He will be 8 years young soon. He absolutely loves people and all food. He puts up with his kitty brother Lancelot and he just loves to be lazy.
Blackjack is 5years old and prefers walks at HIS pace, which sometimes is standing still.
Molly was the LOVE OF OUR LIFE and now she is a TRUE ANGEL…!!! Absolutely the BEST GIRL EVER..!!!
Shadow & Caspian
Shadow is a well known diva who loves dressing up in jammies and lots of snuggles. Caspian is a handsome guy who likes to bark and boss his mom around.
November 2022
Top Vote Getters – Charlie (12th Place)
Charlie is a 3-year-old sweetheart and graduate of the CT Prison Greyhounds program. This princess won’t leave the house without a cute outfit that matches her beautiful black coat. She is the laziest couch potato there ever was but after a year and a half we still can’t get her on the couch. She loves long walks (but not too long) and protecting the house from bears. She will hold her bladder for days at a time rather than be caught outside in the rain
Blackjack is 5years old and prefers walks at HIS pace, which sometimes is standing still.
Kramer enjoying his adorable sloth houndtees sweater!
December 2022
Top Vote Getter – Archie (3rd Place)
Archibald the Grey–never to be forgotten! We love you!!!!
Simon the sweet scardycat on his first Christmas at home!
We heard this was also a photo contest for deer. This one was very friendly and seemed to love peanut butter and belly rubs.
Sweetest half-eared dog around! She loves to be told how pretty she is and get pets from all the humans.
January 2023
Gia came into my life this September and is an absolute joy. She is learning all about life, enjoys rides in the car and meeting new people and showing me her beautiful personality.
Tegan is our forever Alpha. She runs these here parts from the Rainbow Bridge like the sheriff she is watching over all of us still.
Jax is a nine year old puppy – He jumps with all four feet off the ground when I come home and his sister Jadie tries to copy. He love his stuffies the bigger the better and love to do zoomie circle on his bed.
Jadie is the sweetest pupper ever. She loves hugs. When you sit near her to give her rubs she puts her paw on you so you can’t leave
Sarah is a sassy and independent 2 year old. She loves belly rubs, taunting the one cat that doesn’t like her, pre-rinsing the dishes in the dishwasher, and chasing her stuffed animals and deflated soccer balls. Her main dislike is getting her nails cut. She really knows how to hold a grudge, and refused to go out for a walk for 3 weeks after we last took her to get her nails trimmed (during which she screamed like a wounded animal for the entire time). She enjoys being alpha dog in the house and putting us all in our places.
Road trips are much easier with a big fluffy bed. Scarlet doesn’t mind where we’re going as long as she can relax.
Rizzo Baby
Rizzo Baby is our curly tailed, pointy eared, freckled little princess. She has such soulful eyes and is absolutely beautiful.