Calendar Contest 2023 Entries
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Calendar Entry links will expire when the next contest begins (October 2023).
Top Vote Getter – Onnalee (1st Place)
Onnalee is an amazing companion. She is so silly and makes me laugh every day. So blessed to have her as my pup!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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January 2023
Top Vote Getter – Satchel (3rd Place)
Satchel enjoys long naps and digging holes in the yard. He has never met a toy he didn't like and considers himself a fashionista. His favorite food is whatever you're eating! He is the best big brother to Stella the beagle. We love him more than mere words can express and we are so thankful for every minute with our silly unicorn.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Animal is our 6 year old baby boy who loves a good snuggle. He only recently worked up the courage to snuggle on the bed with his 2 favorite people!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Daisy is a loving, goofy brown eyed sweetheart. She loves her buddy Charlie the cat, they will play" tag "together. She would like her Irish friend Sal to play bitey face with her. She has an uncanny internal clock and lets you know it's dinner time!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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We adopted Minnie from WAG when she was a few months past her 1st birthday, and she turned 6 this past July. As the runt of her litter she was never going to race, and became a quick favorite of Shelby's daughter out at Rangel Kennel. Thank you Shelby for entrusting her to us! She is constantly getting into everything and definitely has a Napoleon Complex going on! She keeps us on our toes! She has the absolute goofiest expressions at times and makes us laugh every day. We love you Minnie!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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This little girl is Sabrina, a newly adopted Galgo (Spanish Greyhound) from Galgos del Sol, a rescue organization based in Murcia, Spain. She was found out in the mountains with 3 other dogs in January 2022 and all were suffering from mange. Luckily all have done well and almost all have been adopted. She's incredibly snuggly with her people but is still nervous around new people and in new places. She has the sweetest little smile when she gets excited and her tail seems to go on for days (and hits everything when she is excited!).
Adoption Group: Galgos del Sol
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Alex was our first WAG dog, he loved his poppa and would wiggle with excitement when he heard him coming. We referred to him as Mr. Miami because he came from Fl. and loved sunbathing. Alex joined Ivan and Maggie our first and second racers when he crossed the rainbow bridge in 2021. RIP baby boy.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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February 2023
Top Vote Getters – Angie and Scarlet (6th Place)
We are currently fostering Dolly. Dolly absolutely loves her humans and wants to be wherever you are. She is great at cuddling and will keep you warm while watching TV.
Dolly does enjoy her daily walk and playing in the backyard with her two foster sisters.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Foxy came to us at a year and a half, she is now nine. She is a lovely girl, snappy and sometimes rude but we love her nonetheless. She was our second greyhound but our first WAG hound. She is goofy, not the smartest, always hungry, and sleepy! She loves to walk and hike along with her sister Morning Glory and Flee. We love you our Fox!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Osiris and Isis
Both were such sweethearts and both have crossed over Rainbow Bridge.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds and Plainfield Race Track
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Jasper and Party
Brenda's beloved Party and her handsome husband Jasper.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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We adopted Maia from WAG at 15 months old after it was decided that she was too small to race, even though you wouldn't think so now! She took her sweet time growing up! Although she did get bigger eventually, she still acts like a puppy, even though she turned 8 last May! She is an expert roacher, and we always find her in the weirdest positions! She especially loves snuggling up next to her gigantic caterpillar. Roach on Maia!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Bo and Casey Bones Jones
That's a wrap!
CBJ & Boazie modeling their best big booty thick thigh Voyagers K9 coats. Watching the sun go nite-nite in late December
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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March 2023
Top Vote Getter – Oliver (2nd Place)
Oliver was born on August 10,2021. He loves to hang out with his littermates Quigley and Simon! He is is an instagram star with over 7,000 followers, go follow him @olliethegreytgrey And he loves to cuddle with his mom!
Adoption Group: Rangel Kennels-Shelby Rangel
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Mak looking super dapper in his bow tie waiting for his human parents to get hitched!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Calypso was my first rescue greyhound from the racetrack. She recently passed away a little over a year ago and she was definitely a one of a kind animal. One of the sweetest dog you can fine (unless you were an animal entering her backyard ??). She was a thief and would make sure she would have all the toys in her bed
Adoption Group: REGAP
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Charlie is so excited to be a calendar girl again this year! At four years old, her snoot is starting to turn a distinguished white but she is still a puppy at heart. You can follow her adventures on Instagram @charlietheladygrey
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Jasper is 8 years old and going strong. His favorite thing to do these days is to go out late at night and stand in the middle of the yard looking at you as you try to get him in.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Dublin is the happiest and easy loving dog, best ever
Adoption Group: REGAP
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April 2023
Top Vote Getter – Boos ( 8th Place)
This baby grey is all legs! Boos is like a baby deer. He is also a contortionist par excellance! He needs to work for Cirque du Soleil! We love you, Boosy-Boy!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Sarge, Frankie, Patsy, Emmett, Primrose, and Preston
Bernice and Rick brought their 6 prison program graduates together for one big happy family! Each one has their own personality and we don't have any lack of love in our house!
From clockwise top left, Sarge 13, Frankie 4, Patsy 6, Emmett 11, Preston 3, Primrose 4.
Adoption Groups: We Adopt Greyhounds, GPR, GRR, CGA
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In JoJo's eyes the world has lots of bunnies in it, and they must be growled at without question. Anything else, so much as an imposing as a field mouse, will have Miss JoJo scurrying behind sister Emporia or her beloved safe-zone couch. This girl even refuses to take treats from strangers, opting instead to forever cower in cuteness. With very little fight, this girl was all flight - straight into our arms and hearts!!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Always "smiling" and always my shadow. Biggest goofball ever! Loves people more than dogs!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Chloe aka Monster is our 3rd retired racer from WAG and our first and only true foster (we failed and kept her...oops). While she hasn't been a monster, really, for years, the name has stuck!
She's our moody "teenager" as we like to call her, having turned 10 this year. She rules the roost, or at least she used to before her newest sister showed up to keep her company. She's the queen of 5pm zoomies in the yard after a long day of snoozing on the couch and we love that she carries around her toys all day. She's obsessed with long toys like her cuddlepillar and carries them around everywhere.
Chloe always makes us laugh every day for something silly she does, or some silly face she makes. Her latest is that she had to have all of her upper front teeth removed and so she is in a permanent state of "warthogging" as the picture shows. It is so cute!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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May 2023
Top Vote Getter – Charlie (4th Place)
Charlie is so excited to be a calendar girl again this year! At four years old, her snoot is starting to turn a distinguished white but she is still a puppy at heart. You can follow her adventures on Instagram @charlietheladygrey
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Thank you Rick Lukas from CT Prison Greyhounds, for helping Party pick out her fancy new snood!!!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Handsome Kramer celebrating his 5th birthday on May 18th!!!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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This is our newest family member, Katty (she is also called Gwenny Kat). She joined us only a couple months ago. She loves her feline brother, Lancelot, and tries to make friends with her new greyhound brother, Arthur. She has made lots of new human friends in our neighborhood as well as some new fur friends in the neighborhood as well.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Casey Bones Jones, Bo, and Shiloh
These three amigos have become incredibly bonded since Shiloh joined her WAG bros in March. Many high speed adventures, #allthebeaches, so much mud. Chilling for a hot sec here at Springs Dog Park after a satisfyingly muddy romp. We are so GREYTful to WAG for all the joy they've given our family since 2016. With love, the C-Macs
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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June 2023
Top Vote Getter – Shiloh (11th Place)
Shiloh (Gift from G_d in Hebrew) Marcheline fetched up in Clarksville, TN County Shelter with her sister- fka Angelique. They were found running, strays. Total stunners, they were all over the internet before our very own WAG sent a transport for them back in November 2021. Timing for the Mac-Pack was terrible, and the sisters were placed in a hot second. Magically, miraculously, Marcheline "bounced" this February, and on 3.13.22, she came home to Sag Harbor to fill the hole left in our 3-pack and our hearts when we lost Miss MM 11.15.21. Shiloh-Hi/low, babygirl-you're the crazy we had no idea we needed, your all fours springbok-ing, chirp-bork-braying, +5' high flat-space-surfing prowess is unmatched and let's keep it that way. We love you anyway!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Zucchini is a silly girl who loves car rides and walks. She is very smart and loves to learn new commands. She loves to cuddle and wants to chase every squirrel and bird we see.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Pepper Paisley
Pepper Paisley came to us as a stressed sweet pup. She needed the stability and quietness of our (4 adult -one retired) family who is young enough to do fun things with her. She will try anything as long as she's with her people!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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We first met Bud when he was part of WAG's original prison program. He enjoyed chasing the kickball around the yard with his handler. He was adopted after he graduated the program. Fast forward several years and a friend of WAG's foster coordinator Nicole saw Bud listed on Craigslist for $5 (even though the adoption contract mandates that dogs be returned to WAG if the adopters can no longer keep them). Thankfully she quickly got ahold of Nicole, and Nicole was able to secure him. We originally were going to just foster him, but like it has happened many times before (many, many times ??), we fell in love with him and couldn't let him go. So Bud joined our pack. He has been the best dog and we can't imagine our pack without him (even though he hogs the recliner). ?
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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When we adopted Siena 4 years ago she was 17 pounds lighter and she had her tail between her legs the first 9 months we had her, couldn't touch her, now she is biggest lap dog.
Adoption Group: REGAP
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July 2023
Top Vote Getter – Casey Bones Jones (12th Place)
Casey Bones
Casey Bones is our OG NGA Grey. He raced as Try Me at Wheeling for Amanda McCardle and Joel Roden of Lester Raines, retiring as a AA racer with a PB of 29.20, a time that's still hard to beat! Gotcha 5.21.16, and a MYI CT Prison Greyhounds grad, our Bubba, Big Butt, BonesJones "Bonedones" (young nephew-speak) STILL rules the beach- smoking all the competition with his expert cutting to the inside moves. My heart dog, Mary Mac's BFF, I love you Bubba.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Animal is our 6 year baby boy who loves taking naps, ESPECIALLY on the boat!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Eliza is our beautiful half-earred, amber-eyed greyhound. She may be small, but she can still hog an entire couch or bed! She also loves to steal butter and hearts!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Pistol is three years old. He and his brother Preston participated in in the Ct. Prison Greyhound program.
Adoption Group: Connecticut Prison Greyhounds
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Arlo (UCME Foehammer) is currently destined for the track, but still loved immensely by his humans (despite us not meeting yet)! Arlo has been growing up on Rangel Kennel, Inc. Greyhound Farm in Abilene, KS, and will be making his way to the big leagues at Wheeling before long! He is said to be super friendly and outgoing, and we can't wait to see him at the track!
Adoption Group: Private Adoption
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August 2023
Top Vote Getter – Boaz @bogreyhound (9th Place)
Boazie (fka Gazoo) is our #pandemicpuppy turned teenager! Boazie came to us at just 6 months old- gotcha day 10.25.20, he still sleeps 11-12 hours racked out til "brunch", he's the classic middle child- complete with nittering all the humans and doggos to get attention, and this year- our inspiration for getting INSURANCE after a +7K surgery for a big ol' leg break. Bo is back to "full Greyhound" after being sidelined for weeks and weeks, he's reveling in all things beach, water, mud, and speed. Boazie, Bobo, Turd-le, Bertle, Turdlebertle, you're our bionic boy, oh how we love you.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Wren is so happy and outgoing. She loves walks, running, and her pool. She also loves to snuggle on the couch. She makes us laugh every day! She has a TikTok account to share her day to day adventures with other dog lovers.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Arthur is about to be 10 years old. He is one of the best dogs we've had. He has been with us for about 7 years. He absolutely loves people! And he tolerates his feline brother and is still getting used to having a new sister, another greyhound, Katty (we also call her Gwenny Kat).
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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This is Gardenia, or as she is more completely known these days, Sassy Pickle! At just under 14 years old, she spends much of her days laying around demanding attention and demanding food -- which we happily oblige. She's been our princess for almost 10 years after a full racing career for 4.5 years in West Virginia.
We are so grateful for all the love she has given us and for being a wonderful sibling to her brothers and sisters over the years. She's always accepted other dogs into the house without any issues, even if that means she sometimes loses her personal space when they try to steal her beds or snuggle up to her.
She's been an Ambassadog for WAG for all these years and we like to think that her sweet face and disposition has helped bring joy to hundreds of people over the years and hopefully she's inspired (more than) a few families to open their homes up to greyhounds!
Thank you WAG for bringing her into our lives!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Primrose enjoying a spa day like the princess she is.
Adoption Group: CPG
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September 2023
Top Vote Getter – Eliza (5th Place)
Eliza is our beautiful half-earred, amber-eyed greyhound. She may be small, but she can still hog an entire couch or bed! She also loves to steal butter and hearts!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Scarlet likes to hike and take in a pretty view
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Bo and Casey Bones Jones
Bo and Casey Bones Jones
This year was Casey's SEVENTH annual gathering and Boazie's 2nd. Always a good time with all our WAG fam at Southington Drive-In!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Günther is an active boy who loves to do laps in the back yard. He never raced due to an injury, so he I'd only 2 years old. He loves his human mom and is always ready for cuddles. He enjoys WAG get-togethers when he can meet up with his siblings and other greyt friends. Please vote for Günther!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Boos snoot was severely injured by another mother when he was an itty bitty baby boy. But that hasn't dampened his spirit and soul. Just look at those gorgeous eyes! We love you, Boosy-Boy!!!!!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Hamilton enjoying a sunset romp in the backyard
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Formerly known as Dotty, Dani is a currently 2-year-old greyhound who knows how to live life to the fullest!
I met Dani back in January, when WAG's vet had just discovered her heart murmur, a symptom of what was ultimately discovered to be a congenital heart defect. Though I was saddened to hear of this news, I knew in my heart that there was no other dog for me but this sweet little girl with a "broken" one. I kept in touch with Rori monthly on Dani's condition, and was finally able to bring her home with me in June.
Though her physical heart struggles, Dani's emotional heart is her strength- well, that and her goofy personality! Once comfortable with you, she'll reveal her silly side, complete with "carpet swims," "bicycle leggies," and goofy derp faces. She ADORES the water and hikes, and is loving life in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with me (see above!). If you didn't know her whole story, you wouldn't know that she's a dog with medical needs. And that, in truth, is what makes her so special: she reminds everyone to look beyond a tough prognosis, and enjoy the present.
Outside of boogeying around on the rug and traversing the New England outdoors, Dani is working towards becoming a therapy dog, though her story has and will continue to reach so many even if she never earns that title. At the end of the day, if she's happy enough that she's doing a whole-body "this is AWESOME!" wiggle, that's all that I could ever want for her as her mom.
Please vote for Dani and her love of life and laughter!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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October 2023
Top Vote Getter – Kuku & Tater Tot (7th Place)
Kuku (PJ Skirt Skirt) is 6.5 years old, and our 2nd WAG hound. Tater Tot (no race name) is 4.5 years old, our 3rd WAG hound, and our 1st legitimate foster fail. Kuku came to us after retiring because she is the daughter of our 1st WAG hound, Mama Carole. Kuku is the sweetest, bossiest princess, exactly how Mama Carole made her girls. Tater literally took the long way back to us before we adopted him, but we love that wild man just the same. He is the silliest, most loving boy, with the best food dance ever. We are incredibly greytful to have found the perfect pups for our pack.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Adventurous little hound who loves every person and animal she meets. Almost fearless except for when it comes to lawn care and trash removal. Usually only one satellite dish works at a time unless she's very excited about something. Probably one of the best decisions I ever made was adding Quigley to my furry family.
Adoption Group: Rangel Kennel
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Loki has truly lived up to his name and is a troublemaker. But he is also super sensitive and needs constant attention ?? or he will whine until he gets it (or steal your clothes and hide them in his bed. He was a racetrack failure and has a goofy run (but he is still fast enough to catch any animal that try's to take refuge in his yard). He has come a long way from when we first got him and is a real trooper when it comes to outfits. Seen in this picture for Octoberfest on one of his many trips to the brewery ??
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Ikia loves adventuring in all weather conditions, which is why she has such a fabulous hat collection!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Pistol participated as a lion in our local park howloween party.
Adoption Group: Connecticut Prison Greyhounds
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Gia Is a very happy,sweet loving little girl,who loves her rides in the car,being with other greyhounds and new dogs,she is learning about people and life.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Mama Carole
Mama Carole (JJ's Carole King) was they greatest gateway grey we could have asked for, and we miss her dearly. On this particular Halloween, she was the cutest Butt Stallion (of Borderlands fame) in her homemade costume. Despite not being very happy about her modelling gig that day, she happily took her payment in treats.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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November 2023
Top Vote Getter – Poppy and Ophelia (13th Place)
We just adopted Ophelia from WAG this November and she is such a wonderful addition to our family! She and Poppy are getting along so well and we look forward to seeing her come out of her shell more and more!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Flee, Foxy, and Glory
Foxy and Glory are both adopted from WAG, and Flee is their sister from another rescue organization. They are 9, 2 and 11 respectively. They all love their walks, and treats, and the love they get from their humans.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Our handsome boy, Ike! Sadly, Ike left us suddenly last December from cancer, but we still love to celebrate our wonderful time together! He was the bestest boy and we couldn't have asked for a better furry friend. We love you always, Ikers!
Ike was our first greyhound and our introduction to this crazy world! He brought us to We Adopt Greyhounds and we are so thankful for all the special days we had with him. As an Ambassadog for WAG, Ike was center stage at events he went to, surfing the fenceline, looking for pets from anyone and everyone! He was skeptical of children generally but at events, he was always brave.
He was the kind of dog that obviously loved people (especially his people), but didn't need to be right next to you on the couch for you to know it. He had a silent presence. We always knew he was there. Always on a bed, looking up at us in the living room, or on the guest room in the office watching while we worked. He was the best office mate.
We think about him every day and wish he was still here with us. We still here his little "woof" when we come home at the end of the day. I hope there are lots of Kongs for you the hoard at the rainbow bridge, buddy!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Emporia aka The Warden has engaged her retirement years' at stride with all the grace befitting the champion she is. Age has not slowed her lightning fast canine smile she gives off to her favorite humans. She's even quicker to put down any nonsense developing between younger sis JoJo and a guest-foster. From racer to warden - Emporia is a an all around professional sweetheart!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Morning Glory
Morning Glory came to us in June 2022 from WAG. She is our third greyhound, second from WAG. Glory is enjoying life with her sisters Foxy and Flee. She is a sweet girl who's very energetic and playful. She has her snappy moments with us, and her sisters, but we all love her. She absolutely loves food, hikes, her sisters, and watching the TV. She is a silly goose, nicknamed Cuckoo Beans. She is often giving us puppy eyes and derp faces. She is a greyt dog that we are so greatful for. Thank you WAG for giving us Morning Glory and Foxy
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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We adopted Magoo from WAG in 2014. He loves other greyhounds, a good ear rub, and almost every person he meets. Magoo is a total love bug.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Jadie is a joy and a sweetie pie She loves to do zoomies Dig holes in the yard Her fave toy is hedgie We are the luckiest family ever to have had Jadie adopt us
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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December 2023
Top Vote Getter – Chloe and Gardenia (10th Place)
Chloe and Gardenia
Our beautiful girls! They've been best friends for 9 years now and we couldn't have asked for a better set of girls! Thank you, We Adopt Greyhounds for all you do for the dogs!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Angie loves laying under the Christmas light
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Odie is the best pup there is! We adopted him from WAG when he was 6 years old and he will be turning 10 in a couple weeks! We are so lucky to have him.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Pirate is full of energy and keeps us on our toes! He doesn't let his paw deformity slow him down at all. His favorite pastimes include sneaky counter surfing, unmaking the bed, and plotting the demise of the family chickens. We wouldn't trade him for the world though!
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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Pistol is three years old. He and his brother Preston participated in in the Ct. Prison Greyhound program.
Adoption Group: Connecticut Prison Greyhounds
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Cassidy loves wearing her coat while posing in the snow.
Adoption Group: CT Prison Greyhounds
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Gia Is a sweet, funny loving little girl, who loves her car rides, meeting new dogs and being with her greyhound group friends. She enjoys late night play times and treats.
Adoption Group: We Adopt Greyhounds
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